Title: The Deadly Tower of Monsters Genre: Action – Adventure – Sci-fi Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11) Languages: Audio and text: English. Features: single-player – co-op – achievements Released: January 19, 2016 Company: Ace Team / ATLUS


How to Download & Install: The Deadly Tower of Monsters – Laugh-a-minute director commentary! – Director Dan Smith lends his decades of industry know-how to deliver side-splitting anecdotes and insights on the film’s production. You won’t want to miss a single syllable from the genius mind behind this masterpiece! – Got vertigo? Too bad! – Experience the awesome verticality of the tower at every step of the journey, with wide-angle camera shots and impressive aerial stunts. Watch as our heroes fearlessly dive off the tower or glide effortlessly across chasms, all in search of hidden secrets and intergalactic glory! – Over half-a-hundred imaginative monsters! – Squid people, nukular ants, dinosaurs-gone-wild, giant blobs, robo-monkeys, and more are brought to life using state-of-the-art effects, including stop-motion, rotoscope, image compositing, and even some elaborate costumes covered in real fur! You and the family are guaranteed a good ol’ time! – Ray guns, crystal swords, and laser whips. Oh, my! – At the heroes’ disposal are a wide variety of weapons used to smack!, pow!, and ker-splat! their futuristic foes. Watch as our plucky protagonists collect hidden scrap metal pieces and upgrade their arsenal, right before your very eyes! – Did someone say, “Special powers”!? – I sure hope so, because this film’s got ’em! From time-slowing vortexes to speed boots… Wait, what’s that on the ground? Is that a bird? No, it’s a land mine! These aliens are in for a bang, and so are you!


Filmed in the 1970s, The Deadly Tower of Monsters is an action-packed adventure, full of time-honored literary themes: the daughter versus the tyrant father, the planet full of innocent ape-creatures, the dashing space-age liberator, the robot companion, the tower full of treacherous mutations… A timeless classic for all ages! More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/the_deadly_tower_of_monsters

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