Title: Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper Genre: Adventure – Point-and-click – Detective-mystery Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: May 27, 2009 Company: Frogwares / Frogwares


How to Download & Install: – Solve one of the greatest mysteries in the history of England and discover who is Jack the Ripper! – 2 mythic characters of 19th century England engage in a horrifying manhunt: the illustrious Sherlock Holmes and the terrifying Jack the Ripper. – Discover the hidden side of London and the sinister streets of Whitechapel, all faithfully recreated (e.g. public work house, hospitals, brothels, etc). – Switch between playing the role of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes or his trusted friend Doctor Watson. – Interact with more than 30 authentic characters that help you complete your investigation. – Use and combine more that 100 objects and collect hundreds of clues so you can finally uncover the real identity and motives of the perverted Jack the Ripper. – 2 points-of-view available at all times: gameplay in third-person or classic first-person point-of-view, a favorite for the enthusiasts of the series. – A progressive help system puts you back on track whenever you need assistance.


Recognized as one of the best licenses in gaming and lauded by the press, Sherlock Holmes is back with an investigation that is sure to be the most horrifying of the series. The famous detective stands against the most dangerous serial killer England has ever known – Jack the Ripper. More info here: https://www.gog.com/en/game/sherlock_holmes_versus_jack_the_ripper

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