Title: Scarlet Hollow Genre: Adventure – Visual Novel – Horror Works on: Windows (7, 8, 10, 11) Release date: June 11, 2021 Company: Black Tabby Games / Black Tabby Games


How to Download & Install: – A heavily branching narrative where your decisions (actually) matter. The relationships you forge and the decisions you make will dramatically alter your journey. – Terrifying and funny. Charming characters and snappy dialogue flip to pulse-pounding dread and horror at a moment’s notice. – Trait-based dialogue and role-playing. Scarlet Hollow’s dialogue system is driven by role-playing elements that let you choose who you want to be. Are you quiet and observant? Hot and clueless? Can you talk to animals? 21 different character builds change how you interact with the world and how your story unfolds. – A dynamic relationship system that reacts to your every choice and changes how your story unfolds. People won’t just like or dislike you. Become friendly rivals, bitter adversaries, best friends, or mild acquaintances with everyone in town based on how you approach the story. – No jumpscares. All of the horror in Scarlet Hollow comes from building tension and dread (and some disturbing imagery). – Original monster designs inspired by Appalachian myths and cryptids. You won’t find any predictable vampires or zombies here. – Touching romance. Whether you’re into goths, dads, paranormal investigators, mysterious recluses, lo-fi beats to study and water your plants to, or actual monsters, we’ve got all your bases covered. – Hundreds of meticulously hand-drawn and traditionally inked backgrounds. Every background in the game is drawn by hand and inked on massive 19×24 inch paper. – Countless immersive sprites. Each major character has dozens—and often hundreds—of hand-drawn sprites that interact with backgrounds and capture a full range of lighting, emotion, environment, and outfit changes.


Coal mines sealed off after a deadly collapse. Strange creatures preying on livestock. Houses infested with vengeful spirits. The sleepy town of Scarlet Hollow has suddenly come alive with horrors, just in time for your arrival. 

This was supposed to be a quiet getaway in the rural mountains of North Carolina. All you had to do was finally meet your long-lost cousin and comfort her through her mother’s funeral. But now, each new day welcomes new nightmares. More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/scarlet_hollow

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